Expert Care You Deserve at A Value You Expect

Whether researching the cause for your hearing difficulties or for those of a loved one, or seeking the best in hearing healthcare, you’ve come to the right place. We don’t just offer a good price for mediocre treatment; rather, we want you to love the services you receive from us. But, we also innovate constantly to keep our fees affordable and to provide many convenient payment options. Learn more by visiting our financing options page.

Below, you’ll be able to find out more about what we excel at, which is to protect, evaluate, restore, and maintain your better hearing lifestyle. Feel free to browse around and if you have any questions or would like to get started on your journey to better hearing, give us a call or email, and we’d be glad to talk with you. Thank you for visiting!

Hearing Tests

Hearing impairment affects more than just your ability to hear — it affects your quality of life. Advanced Hearing stresses the importance of an accurate and timely hearing test.

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Hearing Aid Fitting

Who you are is key in creating a better hearing solution. We don’t believe in a cookie-cutter approach, because every hearing difficulty is unique — just like you are. Hearing sounds is an important and powerful part of our experience. It helps create everlasting...

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Hearing Aid Repairs

Even if you take care of your hearing aids and keep up with regular maintenance, time takes its toll on all technology, and it’s possible that yours will eventually wear out through the course of normal use.

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Earwax Management

Earwax, that yellowish-brown substance produced by the glands of the external ear, may conjure the ick factor for many people, but it actually serves a pretty important purpose.

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Tinnitus Treatment

Though the common misconception about tinnitus is that it’s a disease, tinnitus is actually a medical condition characterized by persistent ringing in one or both ears that can only be heard by the affected individual.

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